What Is XML?

What Is XML?

What is XML?

What is XML? XML or Extensible Markup Language is a language that states rules for document encoding in a format that is both readable by humans and machines. It is designed to be simple and useable, and because of that design, many application-programming interfaces were developed to take advantage of the XML format. On the other hand, some languages were even created to make use of XML, a few of them are WSDL, WAP, WML, RDF, OWL, SMIL, XHTML,  SOAP, Atom, and RSS. As of now, XML has become as important as HTML on the World Wide Web.

xmlOn web development, XML is used to store and transport data. Before new web developers tackle this topic, they must have some basic knowledge on JavaScript and HTML. Knowledge on those subjects is essentially needed since knowing XML will be useless if the developer does not know how he can use it. This is mainly true because, XML is only made to transport data, and not display it. On the other hand, even though XML is a markup language just like HTML, the tags used on XML are not predefined, and it is up to the developer to create his own tags.

In addition, there is no way that XML can replace HTML. In actuality, XML is unusable on its own. Even if you create many lines on an XML document, as long as there is no HTML document that will display and manipulate it, it will remain useless to anybody. To be more precise, XML is a data transportation tool that is dependent on the software and hardware that will use it.

Many developers liked this language since it allows them to save time when they decide to upgrade or change their systems, whether that change is software or hardware. When XML is not yet prevalent, most of those people would often convert large amounts of data, which is a very taxing task. Moreover, when the data they have are incompatible for their new systems, it will only lead to two things. They will either discard or rewrite the data they have, and that is definitely a waste of time. In addition, since XML is just written in plain text, getting operating system upgrades, using different applications, and installing new browsers will never be a problem. Furthermore, because of the popularity of XML, many applications were developed for it.

In case that you are advancing in web development, you absolutely need to learn this. However, if you are not yet familiar with JavaScript or even HTML, always remember that XML is useless on its own. Learning how to create an XML file is very easy, and the only difficult part is for you to know how you will use it. Nevertheless, when the time comes that you already know how to code JavaScript and HTML, XML knowledge can certainly help you a lot. In addition, after you learn how to use XML, it is best for you to learn other data storage and transport languages. It is advisable that you learn S-Expressions, YAML, and JSON.


What is MySQL?

What is MySQL?

What is MySQL?

If you are going to do some advanced stuff on your website, you will need to learn about MySQL. Knowledge on it is very important, especially if you are going to create websites that need to store data like usernames, passwords, comments, content, and many more. In addition, basic knowledge of this database is needed if you are going to proceed on learning advanced web development language like PHP. Moreover, it is a widely known and used database on the internet, lack of understanding of this database can give you a difficult time on progressing as a web developer. If you want to know the answer to “what is MySQL,” continue reading.

mysqlMySQL is the most famous open-source database system on the World Wide Web. MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that stores both data and the data’s relationships on the same table. Asides from that, a user can reassemble and access its data in many ways without the need of creating any changes to the tables. With MySQL, you can create up to 4,096 columns and store an almost unlimited number of records.

Just like any other databases, it can handle values like timestamps, dates, chars, floats, integers, and Boolean values. In addition, there are two ways that you can manipulate MySQL. You can use the regular SQL syntaxes like select, insert, update, join, show, and delete to edit tables. On the other hand, you can use a graphical administration application like the popular phpMyAdmin to manage your MySQL tables.

Even if you are going to rely on a content managing system (CMS) for the materialization of your website, you must still familiarize yourself on this database. This is generally because most of the popular CMS today, like WordPress and Joomla, are using this database as their data manager. In addition, common forum applications on the internet, like phpBB and MyBB, are using this database too. When your content management system or forum application goes down, you might want to recover all the data and content that application accumulated. If that happens, the only way to do that is to check its MySQL database manually.

Moreover, many webhosting services are using this as their database. This is especially true to those web servers that take advantage of the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Phyton/Perl) software stack. That is why many popular websites are taking advantage of this database, and a few of them are Wikipedia, Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr. It can handle small to massive websites, and it can support huge volumes of users and data. Because of that, it is recommended that you use this in case that you will create a new website.

It is absolutely required to learn this database. If you are familiar with how databases work, learning MySQL will not be difficult for you. Whether you will manually code your website, or you will use content management applications for your websites, understanding this database will be beneficial for you. As of now, many learning sources on the internet can be found for you to start familiarizing yourself on this popular RDBMS.


What Is PHP?

What Is PHP?

What Is PHP?

What is PHP? PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor is a popular and widely used server-side scripting language. It was originally made to create dynamic webpages, but because of its capabilities, it has found its way to be one of the best server-side scripting on the internet.

php-script2This language is capable of running scripts for a server, and it can carry out specific server tasks. Few of the common tasks it can perform are database manipulation and content management. The scripts will be saved on the server just like the web pages, and they will only be triggered when users request it to be executed.

In contrast to JavaScript, which is a client side scripting language, PHP codes are usually saved separately from a webpage, and its saved code will have an extension of ‘.php’. If the developer wants to integrate the code inside an HTML file or web page, he must make sure that he enclosed the code in PHP’s special start and end processing instructions, which are “<?php>” and “?>”. In addition, between the difference of PHP and JavaScript, PHP can generate contents of its own, and because of that, a single PHP file can produce thousands of pages, and the developer would not need to create files for those pages.

On the other hand, new users can instantly appreciate PHP because of its simplicity. However, they must familiarize themselves first on basic programming and JavaScript for them not to have difficulties on learning the language. Alternatively, experienced developers enjoy the numerous possibilities that can be achieved with PHP.

Many people are using this software because it is free. Moreover, this scripting can run on every virtually known operating system and platform, and it is compatible to many relational database management systems like MySQL.

In addition, its major competitors are Microsoft’s Active Server Pages (ASP), mod_perl, and Sun Microsystem’s JavaServer Pages. As of now, it is being used by numerous websites on the internet. A few renowned websites that use PHP are Facebook, Digg, and Wikipedia. On the other hand, many popular content management systems (CMS) today are written using PHP. A few of those CMS are WordPress, Joomla, MediaWiki and Drupal.

Alongside with PHP’s usefulness as a great server-side scripting language are its vulnerabilities. It has been reported that almost 30% of vulnerabilities recorded on the National Vulnerability Database are related to PHP. However, most of the vulnerabilities can be eliminated if developers follow best practice programming rules of PHP. In addition to that, programmers can apply advanced protection patches to enhance PHP’s security. On another note, a few of the vulnerabilities of PHP are denial-of-service (DoS), remote file inclusion, remote file execution, directory traversal, header injection, SQL injection, and cross-site scripting (XSS).

If you want to add more dynamics, interactivity, and functionality to your website, it is best for you to learn and implement PHP. It is easy to learn, as long that you already mastered the basics of web development and program writing. In addition, before you implement PHP, it is best for you to research on how to overcome PHP’s vulnerabilities.


What Is JavaScript?

What Is JavaScript?

What Is JavaScript?

If you have already mastered HTML coding, it is time for you to learn what JavaScript is. So what is JavaScript, exactly? In simple terms, JavaScript is a client scripting language that gives dynamism in web pages because it can push the boundaries of the read only HTML codes.

javascript Learning this language requires a web developer intermediate knowledge on HTML and basic familiarity on CSS. After the web developer learns this language, he can freely advance to understanding AJAX and PHP. For you to know more about it, continue reading.

A few things that you can do with JavaScript are calling popup messages, changing the properties of elements, displaying the date, rotating pictures, and call events. However, always remember that this language does not need to be compiled since the browser will be the one that will compile and execute for you. Moreover, when coding, all you need to do is insert the script on a web page’s code together with its HTML code.

Many websites are using JavaScript to perform some essential tasks. One of those important tasks is cookie storage, which is vital for e-commerce and social media websites. While some developers use this script for advertising, e-commerce, alerts, and security purposes.

Whenever a person visits a page with JavaScript on it, his browser will read, translate, and execute the embedded script on the page. On the other hand, the execution speed of the script relies on the visitor’s browser and computer speed. Because of that, the developer must always take a note of this to prevent any attempt of stuffing a page with tons of complicated codes that may cause a visitor’s browser to crash.

Moreover, when coding JavaScript, be mindful of preventing any infinite loops on your scripts since JavaScript does not support multithreading. In addition, most of the browsers today do not inform users if there is a faulty line of code in JavaScript, and because of that, debugging many complicated scripts can be difficult. However, a developer might find Internet Explorer useful when debugging scripts since it can provide with error messages if the browsers encounter an error on one of the script’s line.

Even if JavaScript opens many possibilities on a web page, it also has some limitations. First, it is only a client side script. If you are planning to create complicated processes that involve the server, you might need to mix PHP in your code. On the other hand, it is common that some users turn off their browsers’ ability to read JavaScript. In addition, many mobile browsers do not have the capability to read JavaScript properly. However, some of those browsers can read some of the script; nevertheless, the syntaxes they can read is very limited.

The things mentioned above are some of the things you need to know about JavaScript. Briefly, it is a script that makes a web page rich, dynamic, secured, and functional. Moreover, learning JavaScript is the first step every beginner should take before proceeding on learning advanced web developing techniques and languages. It is easy to learn, and learning it does not take a lot of time given that the person already has mastery of HTML.


What Is CSS?

What Is CSS?

What Is CSS?

Before you proceed on learning the answer to “what is CSS (Cascading Style Sheets),” it is important that you have some basic understanding about HTML or XHTML first. However, it is okay if you still proceed on reading this article, since this can help you on broadening your knowledge about web pages and web development.

cssCascading Style Sheets is a language that web developers can use to describe the look and formatting of a web page. Before CSS was introduced, web developers were required to describe an element’s font color, font size, border style, alignment, and background style one by one. Because of that, styling a web page back then is a very mundane and time-consuming process.

CSS has solved that styling issue by letting developers move all the styling and presentation codes to a separate file. Because of that, using CSS can significantly reduce the clutter and complexity of any written code on an HTML markup. Moreover, it also lessens the need of including style codes for every separate HTML file since pages can share formatting and style coded from one CSS file. In addition, because of the simplicity of the syntax of this language and the usage of English to the style properties, users find it easy to create a CSS file.

On the other hand, because of CSS’ innovation in web development, the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) has deprecated presentational HTML markup and is now encouraging the use of CSS instead. In addition, some browsers are slowly stopping supporting deprecated tags to help on enforcing the usage of CSS on web developers’ web pages further.

There are three ways to implement CSS on to a web page. The first one is to put the styling information inside an element’s tag. This is called an inline style, and it is prioritized to be followed by the browser even if a style is already available on an external CSS file. The second way is to embed a block of CSS code on the style tag of an HTML markup; this kind of styling is called embedded. The last way of styling via CSS is through a separate file or document, and it is the least prioritized by the browser on all three author-made cascaded style sheets.

However, if the user has created a user style on his browser, everything that was specified on that the user’s style sheet would be prioritized, and the browser will ignore the author’s styling code. On the other hand, if a web page does not have any styles on it and the user did not set any styling sheet, the browser’s default style will be implemented to the web page.

That is the brief definition of cascading style sheet. Even if you are a beginner in web development, you will certainly appreciate the advantage CSS brings in coding a web page. Moreover, never forget the priority of style sheets. Always remember that browsers prioritize user styles highly, and then inline style, embedded style, external style, and default style. Once you master CSS, your web pages would definitely become more presentable


What is Secure SSL Certificate?

What is Secure SSL Certificate?

What is Secure SSL Certificate?

What is Secure SSL Certificate? It stands for Secure Sockets Layer Certificate and turns a website address or URL from http to https. It ensures your purchasers that they can buy with confidence from your Internet site and that their credit card information would remain secured against cyber crooks. Hence, when you, as an Internet user, sends confidential information to a web server, it does authentication and the user’s browser would establish a safe connection to guarantee message privacy and integrity.

SSL-certificateThere is industry-standard 128- or 256-bit encryption of data entered in most websites. The strength of an encryption on an Internet connection is based upon the user’s browser and hosting server. For instance, a combination of an Apache Web server and a Firefox browser normally enables up to 256-bit encryption. Encryption strength is measured in number of key bits (key length). Note that a 40-bit encryption requires 240 (1.10 x 1012) possible values, 128-bit involves 2128 or (3.40 x 1038) possible combinations and 256-bit requires 2256 (or 1.16 x 1077) possible values, which means cracking it is indeed unfeasible.

All SSL certificates contain the following information: the certificate holder’s name, the serial number and expiration date, a copy of the holder’s public key and the digital signature (private key) of the certificate-issuer or authority. It uses the public key for info encryption and the private key for data decryption. Encryption is basically the scrambling of data into an undecipherable format where the converse is true with the proper decryption key. So, for this part we already answered the question: What is secure SSL certificate?

How Does SSLC Work? It ensures that you have a convenient, easy and most importantly, safe online shopping experienced. As an Internet user, you enter your credit card information, login passwords and other personal data on a shopping site/server, which automatically enables your browser to make encrypted connection. Secure SLC process establishes that you have discreet session for you not to get interrupted with your shopping experience. The “https” in the URL and a padlock icon in the browser’s status bar are the visible indications of an SSL.

When there is a SSL handshake, the browser is required to obtain stringent authentication from the web server. If the SSLC has expired or there is mismatch of information, your browser will display a warning or an error message. Without the SSL encryption, your information (packets) travels via public networks in full sight. Anyone would be able to view, alter or steal your content. Without 3rd-party verification, you cannot just trust contents received over the Internet. Imagine accepting a package without sender’s info directing you to open its contents.

How could you possibly get a SSL Certificate? Before you are issued with it, your personal or company identity undergoes stringent authentication and thorough validation procedures to verify domain control, business credentials, certificate type and contact information and to pre-empt Internet theft.

You are one of millions/billions of Internet users who demand for a trusted or reliable online security experience. You want yourself and other online visitors to have safe business transactions. Only business’ websites with SSL certificates guarantee the maximum protection of your sensitive data. Now that you know the answer to what is secure SSL certificate, you know when you are secured browsing online.


The Five Major Types of Website Hosting

The Five Major Types of Website Hosting

What is Web Hosting?

Understanding the answer to, what is web hosting, will help you if you plan to make money online, create a small business website or even put up a personal blog. Without hosting, you won’t be able to do any of these things. Don’t worry, it only takes a basic knowledge of hosting to choose the right type and get everything set up for your website or blog.

Hosting is split into a few different categories and the type you choose depends on what you plan to do. In order to thoroughly explain the answer to, what is web hosting, we will start with a basic definition, move onto the types of hosting and finish with a few of the finer points. When you are finished with this post, you should be able to choose the best hosting for your needs and get started with your project.

The Definition of Web Hosting

Web hosting involves a server that holds information much as your computer does. This server will store the files necessary for others to access your website and will give you the ability to see it the way you planned. Without hosting, you cannot put up a website, blog, forum, online store or any other online entity for world to see.

The way it works is simple. You create the files and code that makes your website look, function and read the way you want. There are many tools that can help you with this process, so even if you don’t know how to write any type of code, you can create a website or blog. Then, when someone types in your domain name, they gain access to these files in the form of your website.

The Five Major Types of Website Hosting

The second part of answering, what is web hosting, is to go through the main types of hosting. Within each one of these types, there may be some others types of hosting, but they all fall into five specific categories listed below.

1. Shared Web Hosting

Shared hosting is the most popular and will fit the bill for nearly everybody searching for hosting. It’s the least expensive and offers the user the ability to put up a website, blog, forum, online store or other online entity without spending very much money. Most shared hosting packages come with site builders, content management systems and many other tools that will allow you to do everything you need to do.

The server used for shared web hosting contains information for more than just one hosting account, usually quite a few per server. You will get access to all the resources of the server, but you will shared these resources with other hosting accounts on the same server. This type of hosting can handle up to about 5,000 visitors per day without the need for an upgrade.

2. Cloud Web Hosting

The next type of hosting is called cloud hosting, which is the newest type of hosting. This type of hosting is much the same as shared hosting, but allows for more accounts to be spread over a network of servers. It is more expensive than shared hosting and if you use private cloud hosting, it can get very expensive.

The major advantage comes in the form of a private cloud, which allows a company to use less servers for the same data as they spread it across more than just one server. It will pull resources from all of the servers within the network, but there are some security issues with public cloud hosting. It can be quite powerful, but it’s new and still has a few bugs to be worked out.

3. Virtual Private Server Hosting

Virtual private server hosting or VPS hosting is the next step up. This type of hosting still shares a server, but it doesn’t do so in the same way. With shared hosting, it’s a bit of a “free for all” with the resources, but with VPS hosting you get a specific set of resources assigned to you. The resources you get, all depends on the size of package you purchase.

VPS hosting can start at a little above shared web hosting for a smaller package, but will get quite expensive as you upgrade for more resources. The major downfall of VPS hosting compared to shared hosting is that it doesn’t offer the same unlimited options for space and bandwidth. However, if you need added security or you see a large volume of daily traffic, you may need to upgrade from shared hosting to VPS hosting.

4. Dedicated Sever Hosting

The most expensive type of hosting is dedicated server hosting. It can cost thousands of dollars to buy and maintain your own server, but you can also pay for a company to maintain the server for you or get fully managed hosting by renting a server. It’s the most secure, the fastest and the only type of hosting that will give you full access to your own server without sharing it with anybody else.

There is no doubt that dedicated server hosting is the best overall hosting, but it’s not necessary for most projects. Some small businesses may need a dedicated server, but most of the companies that need a server or more than one for themselves are larger corporations and internet marketers with a ton of daily traffic.

5. Reseller Web Hosting

The final type of hosting is one that most will not need, but is still important. Reseller hosting packages allow you to use the resources you need for your website and sell the rest of your package to others to use. This is the only type of hosting that you can use to make a direct profit from. With reseller website hosting, you can open your own hosting company without spending money on servers and staff.

A Bit more About What is Website Hosting

You should have a basic understanding of the answer to, what is web hosting, but it’s necessary to understand one more thing. Before you buy a hosting package, you want to make sure you get the tools you really need. There’s no point in paying more than necessary and it won’t benefit you to get dedicated hosting if all you really need is shared hosting. You will just leave a ton of resources unused.

Take the time to figure out what you really need and in most cases it will be shared web hosting, and then choose the right hosting for you. The hosting companies that offer more than one of the above types of hosting will allow you to upgrade at any point, so if you do start with shared hosting and find that you need VPS hosting, you can make the transition very easy.


Steps to Transfer Website to New Web Host with No Downtime

Steps to Transfer Website to New Web Host with No Downtime

Steps to Transfer Website to New Web Host with No Downtime

You can follow these easy-to-follow steps to transfer website to new web host with no downtime. Below is the actual process moving one of your client accounts:

1.Plan your move by doing some research when choosing a new hosting service that will meet your requirements for your website. If you have a site coded in ASP, PHP or another programming language, you need to opt for a host, plan and configuration that support the language. You also have to give special attention to the available language version and software to avoid any adverse consequences. You would also have to create back up of all your files from your existing hosting server to your external / hard drive or DVD.

transfer website2.Create a hosting account at your chosen hosting service. For you to be able to minimize any downtime, you would have to use a temporary internet protocol (IP) address to view your website that functions before moving your domain name. If your hosting plan provides you with a unique IP address, then you can also view your site by simply inputting the uniform resource locator (URL) in your browser. Additionally, use temporary file transfer protocol (FTP) address to upload files in preparation for the transfer. Then, access the client’s control panel (cPanel) when you accessed a domain.

Ensure that you always have another or alternate URL by which to access your control panel. Preview also your temporary URL to verify that all your files were uploaded and your site is functioning properly. This is one of the most important steps to transfer website to new web host with no downtime.

3.Transfer all your website’s files to your chosen webhosting server. If you have any databases, you have to export all your data to it. To restore you web files and databases, you also need to create a database in your new service hosting account and import all data. By this time, you can also set up email accounts, save the emails currently in your database and forward the emails, including yours, to yourself.

4.Delete all of your files to cancel your old account from the former hosting provider. Or, you can opt to go directly to the hosting service provider you registered your domain name with and direct the previous hosting service to your new server. It may take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours, or at best 72 hours, for domain propagation to occur so that all requests will point to your updated domain location. Return to your domain registrar and read the documentation for instructions on how you can do this. There are many registrars from which you can choose such as GoDaddy, Network Solutions, etc.

5.You have to test-run your site in its brand-new home. You would need to setup all the additional features and let it run for a few days.

If you can do these things in this order, you will not experience any downtimes. The domain name server (DNS) will point to the old server and then directly to the new one. These steps to transfer website to new web host with no downtime is really not daunting as it initially seems.


Joomla vs WordPress

Joomla vs WordPress

Choosing the Right CMS: Joomla vs WordPress

Blogs and websites are becoming more popular by the minute. In fact, companies are not the only ones with blogs and websites. An individual also has one or both since these are helpful in establishing connection with the readers, clients or future employer. However, having a blog or website entails time and proper management.

To ensure that posts are properly placed and sites are updated regularly, companies even individuals need to use CMS or content management systems such as Joomla vs WordPress. The term content management systems may be new to some people. But this useful tool has been around for a long time and has been widely used.
In fact, since Internet was born and evolved three website construction techniques were used.

First is the Hyper Text Markup Language or HTML which involves codes. Second is the WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) system which allows the editor to view the results while editing. Third is CMS which allows the site owner or developers to enter data easily due to the pre-set fields.

wordpress vs joomla
The advantage of using content management system is that it helps build and manage sites easily. For instance in organization, CMS makes documents, music, photos, text and video posting easier. There are pre-set fields that allow the user to place the data or information without dealing with codes. This also saves time since and allows the site owner to maintain it on a certain time through scheduled posts.

Moreover, CMS is also helpful in designing the overall appearance of the site through CSS or Cascade Style Sheets. This helps the developer create templates easier and faster. Lastly, CMS also offers add-ons which upgrade the functionality of a certain application. These are easy to install on a blog or website.
The CMS is indeed the easiest technique wherein an individual without html knowledge can use. In addition, the most popular CMS are Joomla vs WordPress. Though both are CMS, it is still essential to understand and know which one is right for a website.

Defining the Best
As mentioned, Joomla vs WordPress are the most popular content management systems but what are the differences between the two? Below is a detailed analysis of the two most popular content management systems.

Joomla is a free open source project released in 2005 and was upgraded and re-launched three years later. It was created by the makers of Mambo, another CMS application. This free system is mainly used for publishing and empowering various sites. It can be used for the church, community-based, corporate, e-commerce and online reservations, government applications, online media, non-profit organizations, personal, school, small business and anyone interested in developing a site.

Joomla is user-friendly and easy to install which enables the user or web developer to create and manage the site. But there are instances that the users require more features beyond the basic Joomla packages. Not to worry because there are thousands of available extensions that adds functionality for the site’s applications. Moreover, the add-ons do not only enhance the application but also extend the power of Joomla creating a better website.

With Joomla’s framework the developers are able to build and manage application bridges and communication tools. In addition, Joomla can also help manage complex business directories, custom product catalogs as well as data reporting tools. But it does not end there, integrated e-commerce systems, inventory control and reservation systems are also included.

WordPress, on the other hand, is the newest version of b2/cafelog. This free open source project was developed in 2001 and was released in 2003. From enhancing a simple typography for a number of users, it has grown in to a bigger and powerful blogging tool used by millions.

Though the CMS started as a blogging tool, it is actually more than that. It can also be used as a full content management system where users can explore and choose thousands of themes and plugins available. Moreover, there are also widgets that can be dragged and dropped on the page. Users can also include social media sites to be able to share the content easily.

Furthermore, WordPress is also a multi-user and multi-blogging platform. Prior to WordPress 3.0, there was WordPress MU. To enhance the features and offer something new, but both were merged later on. Besides that, WordPress.org also brought in WordPress.com so that that a larger audience will be able to experience a hosted version. This version also has thousands of themes, plug-ins as well as widgets.

Joomla vs WordPress
There is a tight competition between the two best CMS in the world. As written above, both are useful tools for websites; however, both still differ from each other.
Joomla is excellent in managing and maintaining e-commerce and professional sites because it offers the right features for adding and updating images, pages and navigation menus. It also increases functionality of a website due to extensions and provides flexibility in design a website.

Meanwhile, WordPress is ideal for bloggers because it is easy to install and use. It can be customized accordingly due to the easy to install plug-ins making the site dynamic. In addition, it also allows and posts comments automatically.
These show that both CMS caters to different audiences. Moreover, both also differ in terms of how easy an individual will get the hang of it. Between Joomla vs WordPress, WordPress is more user-friendly, quick and at the same time classy.

First, though both are PHP / MySQL based WordPress uses less server resources and less codes. This enables the site to load and display faster. In addition, the site owner can easily and quickly publish data or information. Second, WordPress themes can be installed easily and are adaptive. This means that the site displays different resolutions depending on the device used.

Third, creating and publishing content is extremely easy in WordPress. There is no need to be knowledgeable in codes or other programs. Fourth, WordPress is good in SEO. Due to the plug-ins, themes and other features, WordPress is able to balance the contents making the pages light and SEO friendly. This also helps in raising traffic and in good site ranking. Lastly, it is more fun creating and managing a website in WordPress because it gives the user everything he needs.


Introduction to PHP MySQL Tutorial

Introduction to PHP MySQL Tutorial

Introduction to PHP MySQL Tutorial


For this PhP MySQL Tutorial, you should always have at least a basic knowledge on how to use these particular server-side scripting language (SSSL), which is actually one of the easiest to learn yet is also the most powerful. The primary reason people would like to learn scripting languages is for displaying simple lists (such as updating forums, banner rotation, feedback forms, etc. by changing one script only) to running a whole website (for example, updating website design) from a database. You need only three (3) things to run PHP scripts, which access MySQL databases, as follows:

php scriptsFirst, you would need a computer server, which is either your own computer or one from a webhost provider. Any web server program should work with this general-purpose scripting language; however, one of the best free software to use nowadays is Apache.

All administrative database options can be done through means of “personal home page” scripts but it is strongly suggested that you install a copy of PHPMyAdmin on your hosting server. You would have excellent, free scripts through the use of an administrative interface for your relational database management system (RDBMS) or simply referred to as MySQL databases. You can then add, edit, backup, view, remove and troubleshoot your databases.
Second, PHP also needs to be installed on the host server. If it is not yet installed, you can install it yourself or ask your webhost to do it for you. Nonetheless, it can simply be downloaded for free from PHP.net. If you cannot install or if your web host does not allow for this particular type of SSSL/RDBMS, you may opt to use another webhost. There are also many free web hosts with this preinstalled scripting language that support banners and with extra features.

There is a simple test for both PHP/MySQL. You can open a text editor, type in “<? phpinfo(); ?>” and save it as phpinfo.php. Upload it to your own server space and then go to your browser. If it is installed, you would be able to see a detailed page containing its installation and then, scroll down until you find a section of MySQL.
Third, you should have MySQL, which is the actual database program. Still, you can opt to use other types of database such as Oracle, SQL, etc.  However, the focus on this brief introduction to PhP MySQL tutorial is, as explicitly stated, MySQL where commands work also with SQL databases. Using specific SSSL/RDBMS together, you can create a web-based contact management program. This will allow you to store names with their e-mails, phone numbers, etc.

You can even search the database and update records.  There will also be an option for you to send an email out to all of your contact lists in the database. As a reminder, please do not use this system for spamming or send unsolicited an email.

You can also access or download a free PhP builder with the tutorial of your choice and then learn further about database setup, information insertion, record singling and error trapping, updating and deleting, finishing scripts, displaying info and variables, if statements, loops and arrays, emails and forms and view full script codes.
If you become more familiar with this scripting language, you can open up new possibilities and many benefits for your website. Although you would be able to download premade scripts at various Internet sites, they will often include advertising from the creator, which will not perform according to your preferences. With proper PhP self-training, you can easily create or edit scripts to suit your needs. Other interactive features using these particular scripts include advanced features such as content management, advertising managers, portal system and a lot more. So, start your actual PhP MySQL tutorial now!