Introduction to PHP MySQL Tutorial

Introduction to PHP MySQL Tutorial


For this PhP MySQL Tutorial, you should always have at least a basic knowledge on how to use these particular server-side scripting language (SSSL), which is actually one of the easiest to learn yet is also the most powerful. The primary reason people would like to learn scripting languages is for displaying simple lists (such as updating forums, banner rotation, feedback forms, etc. by changing one script only) to running a whole website (for example, updating website design) from a database. You need only three (3) things to run PHP scripts, which access MySQL databases, as follows:

php scriptsFirst, you would need a computer server, which is either your own computer or one from a webhost provider. Any web server program should work with this general-purpose scripting language; however, one of the best free software to use nowadays is Apache.

All administrative database options can be done through means of “personal home page” scripts but it is strongly suggested that you install a copy of PHPMyAdmin on your hosting server. You would have excellent, free scripts through the use of an administrative interface for your relational database management system (RDBMS) or simply referred to as MySQL databases. You can then add, edit, backup, view, remove and troubleshoot your databases.
Second, PHP also needs to be installed on the host server. If it is not yet installed, you can install it yourself or ask your webhost to do it for you. Nonetheless, it can simply be downloaded for free from If you cannot install or if your web host does not allow for this particular type of SSSL/RDBMS, you may opt to use another webhost. There are also many free web hosts with this preinstalled scripting language that support banners and with extra features.

There is a simple test for both PHP/MySQL. You can open a text editor, type in “<? phpinfo(); ?>” and save it as phpinfo.php. Upload it to your own server space and then go to your browser. If it is installed, you would be able to see a detailed page containing its installation and then, scroll down until you find a section of MySQL.
Third, you should have MySQL, which is the actual database program. Still, you can opt to use other types of database such as Oracle, SQL, etc.  However, the focus on this brief introduction to PhP MySQL tutorial is, as explicitly stated, MySQL where commands work also with SQL databases. Using specific SSSL/RDBMS together, you can create a web-based contact management program. This will allow you to store names with their e-mails, phone numbers, etc.

You can even search the database and update records.  There will also be an option for you to send an email out to all of your contact lists in the database. As a reminder, please do not use this system for spamming or send unsolicited an email.

You can also access or download a free PhP builder with the tutorial of your choice and then learn further about database setup, information insertion, record singling and error trapping, updating and deleting, finishing scripts, displaying info and variables, if statements, loops and arrays, emails and forms and view full script codes.
If you become more familiar with this scripting language, you can open up new possibilities and many benefits for your website. Although you would be able to download premade scripts at various Internet sites, they will often include advertising from the creator, which will not perform according to your preferences. With proper PhP self-training, you can easily create or edit scripts to suit your needs. Other interactive features using these particular scripts include advanced features such as content management, advertising managers, portal system and a lot more. So, start your actual PhP MySQL tutorial now!


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