Site5 Cloud Hosting Review



Site5 Whois

Datacenter Whois

Datacenter Whois

Spec and Features

Site5 Spec and Features

System Information

Site5 System Information

Custom cPanel

Custom cPanel

Download and Upload From International Location
Location: US – Port Speed: 1Gbit – Method: WGET & cURL

IX - IX (US)

Load Time

http header

Load Time

This is the first time ever i reviewed Cloud Hosting (Shared) provider, Site5 offers 30 Day trial before you decide to go with them, okay let’s begin. First about their engine, take a look at the CPU, Intel Xeon X5675 @ 3.07GHz, what a great CPU Power. Unfortunately, great CPU Power doesn’t come with huge memory power, i detected that they are using only 8GB memory. For the speed, 100Mbps port i guess, i got 80% of their port speed when i tested with wget, it is good. Load test result was also good, 40 clients accessing this hosting took 1 second to complete the request, i am using wordpress standard installation anyway.

Last thing i want to talk about is the price, but before talking about the price, i want to review about the cloud hosting first. Here is what i know about cloud hosting, more than one set of computer and located in different place (we could say datacenter / network), all of those sets of computer are interconnected and we can access all of those sets of computer’s resources through the internet network. I may say that i have one PHP wget script in the first drive of computer one in the first cluster on the first datacenter, i run that PHP script and the result of the script is downloaded to the second drive of computer six in the third cluster on the second datacenter, at the same time the script using the power of the tenth computer’s cpu in the seventh cluster on the fifth datacenter. So cloud computing is scalable and full accessible, unimaginable how much cost to create such computer structure, and also the advantages that we could get from cloud hosting, for a basic example is failover. From those explanation, i guess their price vs spec is equal. So 9 points out of 10 points will be given to Site5.


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