LiteSpeed is good for Apache alternative, it is faster, more efficient, and also fully interchangeable with Apache. It is GUI based so you don’t have to worried about the setting, just copy paste, click right here and right there from the administration panel. The main shortage of LiteSpeed standard edition is just maximum 150 concurrent connection and 5 virtual hosts, still good for low to middle end websites with little budget. If you need webserver to serve more virtual host, you can switch to Nginx. Now we will begin with LiteSpeed installation. VPS: CentOS 5.5 64bit with 256MB RAM OpenVZ… […]
Yesterday, i was looking for the way to configure nameserver in my vps, because ip based for domain name is not cool, especially if someone check my domain and it appears that my domain only using ip address or public dns, lol. Then i found out that if i want to use nameserver, i have to install and configure bind dns in my vps, so i installed bind dns and ji-o-gling about the configuration, configure this-that-here-there, and the result was failed!!! It doesn’t work hahaha… I really don’t know how to configure it, i’ve never installed and configure bind directly… […]
Few weeks ago i rent one box VPS to test resource usage from three different webservers without any tweaks, it is just basic installation with PHP and MySQL. This three webservers are Apache, Nginx, and LiteSpeed Free Edition. I’m using wordpress basic installation (without any plugins) plus one 404KB image and load it with 50 visitors maximum simultaneously. This VPS has 256MB memory (512MB burst) and using CentOS 5.5 32bit with OpenVZ virtualization. Allright here are the results. Apache (more…) […]
This is the improvement of my previous Nginx version 0.8.53 with PHP 5.3.5 installation, and also this time i’m not using php-fpm to run fastcgi, i’m using php-cli command to run fastcgi, and the result is memory usage decreased about 50MB. So let’s get it on! VPS: CentOS 5.5 32bit with 256MB RAM XEN Add EPEL and REMI repository, also update YUM (we will use REMI reposity for PHP 5.3.5) EPEL 32bit rpm -Uvh EPEL 64bit rpm -Uvh REMI rpm -Uvh yum -y update Install Nginx yum -y install GeoIP GeoIP-devel GeoIP-data perl libperl 32bit rpm -Uvh… […]
In my previous note i’m installing PHP 5.3.5 with XCache PHP opcode cacher, if you prefer to use eAccelerator for your PHP cacher, here is the guide note. Download and install eAccelerator package wget unzip cd eaccelerator- phpize ./configure make make install add eAccelerator extension and settings to php.ini nano /usr/local/lib/php.ini zend_extension="/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/" eaccelerator.shm_size="16" eaccelerator.cache_dir="/tmp/eaccelerator" eaccelerator.enable="1" eaccelerator.optimizer="1" eaccelerator.check_mtime="1" eaccelerator.debug="0" eaccelerator.filter="" eaccelerator.shm_max="0" eaccelerator.shm_ttl="0" eaccelerator.shm_prune_period="0" eaccelerator.shm_only="0" eaccelerator.compress="1" eaccelerator.compress_level="9" those setting above is default, for more information you can visit: eAccelerator Settings create eAccelerator tmp folder mkdir /tmp/eaccelerator chmod 777 /tmp/eaccelerator Check your PHP Version with eAccelerator installed php -v PHP 5.3.5… […]
New update: Nginx 0.8.54 + PHP 5.3.5 has been posted I’m doing this on my CentOS 5.5 64bit with 256MB RAM OpenVZ VPS, another / my way to install Nginx with the appropriate modul for hosting WordPress site or blog. Nginx version is still 0.8.53 because i’m using Epel Repository. Download Epel Repository 32bit rpm -Uvh 64bit rpm -Uvh Update YUM yum update Install Nginx and required packages yum install -y nginx patch libtool libmcrypt-devel libxml2-devel make automake gcc gcc-c++ sudo flex bison wget zlib-devel openssl-devel pcre pcre-devel pcre-devel gd-devel bzip2* libc-client-devel.x86_64 Start Nginx chkconfig --add nginx chkconfig… […]