SingleHop Hosting

SingleHop Hosting

Phone: 000-800-100-4264
Location: United States
Cost: From $99 / Month
Year Founded:

Review of SingleHop com

Cloud hosting is one of the emerging web host services available today. This kind of hosting has become a fast favorite among today’s users because of its lightweight structure and faster server capabilities, making it more compatible with mobile internet communications. If you are planning to pursue the mobile market through your website and, then this means that you have to get could hosting service that you can depend on, such as

About is a webhost service provider that has been operational since 2006. It is known for its reliable dedicated hosting packages for large scale online companies, and nowadays it is making a name again this time for its cloud hosting services.
It focuses on two major products: dedicated servers and cloud hosting. Single Hop targets online businesses that have bigger needs, such as ecommerce sites, video streaming sites and large-scale online communities.

Top features of boasts a wide array of features, such as:
• Outstanding SLA. Single Hop offers the Customer Bill of Rights, the most important Service Level Agreement in online transactions today. This is the only webhosting company that offers an SLA so far, which features granular guarantees and automatic compensation to its clients in case they encounter service-related problems during their contract.
• Powerful server networks. Single Hop runs in an all-Cisco public network, which is capable of providing customers with over 150Gbps of capacity and 10Gbps of capacity among network layers.
• Automatic platform. Single Hop’s packages come in automatic platforms that are easy to access and install by clients. Through server automation, errors in site buildup and live publishing are dramatically reduced and allow users to enjoy the hosting service right away.
• Private network. Single Hop uses an out-of-band private network that improves speed and security of subscriber applications. Through this measure, subscriber accounts are protected against all forms of hacking and internet theft.
• LEAP Contro Center. Subscribers can access and manage servers and website infrastructure using one control panel, which they can open from any computer or mobile device.
• Transparent operations. Single Hop is also consistent in informing customers about the status of their accounts, as well as ongoing operations, upgrades and foreseen downtime occurrences.
• Exclusive perks. Single Hop also offers exclusive benefits, such as unlimited GlobalSign SSL certificates, free Rescue Boot on dedicated servers, and other features only subscribers can enjoy.
• API. The Single Hop platform also has a DropZone RESTful API, which can be used in building apps and other programs that are relevant in specific customer needs.
Aside from these core features, Single Hop also offers other important benefits in their managed services, such as:
• Data backup and storage
• Windows and Linux system administration
• Disaster recovery (remote data replication, remote backups, geographical load balancing)
• 24/7 network monitoring

The costs of Single Hop’s packages vary as follows:
• Dedicated servers. Dedicated server hosting packages have 10TB of outbound bandwidth, and use three different core processors.
o Single processors range between $139 and $459 per month, depending on the chosen CPU speed (2×3.06Ghz to 8×2.0Ghz), memory (4GB DDR3 1333HZ ECC to 16GB 1333MHZ ECC/RG) and HDD (1x500GB to 1x1TB)
o Dual processor servers meanwhile range between $339 and $729 per month, depending on the CPU speed (8×2.23Ghz to 16×2.9Ghz), memory (16GB DDR3 800MHZ ECC/RG to 16GB DDR3 1333MHZ ECC/RG). All packages come with 1x1TB HDD.
o Quad processor servers cost between $821 and $1340 per month depending on CPU speed (16×2.0GHz to 24×2.4Ghz), while all packages come with 16Gb DDR3 1333MHZ ECC/RG and 1x1TB HDD.
• Cloud servers. The cloud hosting services of Single Hop come in two packages:
o VMware Public Cloud Servers. This package has an average deploy time of 60 seconds, has a true cloud environment, hourly/resource-based billing, native high availability, automatic failover, SAN-based cloud storage, rule-based autoscaling, LEAP3 management, and Windows and Linux VMs. This package costs around $45.27 per month.
o VMware Enterprise Private Clouds. This package meanwhile provides a single server private cloud, simplified billing format, custom designed and built, full access to VMware vCloud control panel, high availability, template and capture functionality, rule-based autoscaling, Windows and Linux VMs, and no cost for VMs. This package comes in a per-quote request.

The Downsides of using

Single Hop is a highly recommended hosting solution, but it is not ideal to small business online entrepreneurs and as well as bloggers. This is because the capacities of the packages offered by Single Hop are just too big, they won’t be able to utilize its features to the fullest-unless otherwise they are planning to expand their website infrastructure in the near future. The packages of Single Hop are therefore geared towards medium and large scale companies who have more website needs that have to be addressed.

Customer Support

Single Hop has a customer service team that’s available for contact 24/7. They can be reached through active local, toll-free and international hotlines to accommodate clients from all over the globe.
Single Hop also assigns a dedicated customer support team for each client, and this team will handle the particular client’s needs whenever an inquiry is made. This means that customers won’t be passed to different agents in case their issues couldn’t be resolved right away.

Conclusion proves to be a highly reliable provider of dedicated and cloud hosting services to clients in need. Clients, particularly those who are running video and ecommerce sites will benefit most with the features of the brand’s packages, as they are saved from experiencing technical difficulties and downtimes as they make improvements on their sites. The brand’s cloud hosting meanwhile is ideal for subscribers who wish to tap online audiences, as shared webhosts are not as efficient in catering to such objectives.
Indeed, the prices of Single Hop’s packages are expensive, but because of their reliability and transparency, these services are worth the investment. This is because these services not only address the website and data transfer needs of their clients at present, but also lay down buffer capacities which can be used in the future.